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Security at the heart of our development

Find out why security managers at major corporations and companies choose BlockchainyourIP to protect their most confidential documents.

Cybervadis BlockchainyourIP
Lors d'un audit de sécurité indépendant réalisé en 2023, la société CyberVadis a évalué BlockchainyourIP et lui a attribué le plus haut niveau de maturité Cyber, "Gold", avec une note de 923 sur 1000.
La moyenne du secteur est de 656 sur 1000.

Your documents never leave the premises of your company

BlockchainyourIP only receives a digital fingerprint of your document (SHA 256). This fingerprint is generated from your computer using a non-bijective mathematical function. It cannot be traced back to the original document.
We assist your IT teams to interface BlockchainyourIP with your preferred hosting solution and to implement a systematic backup policy that remains under your control.
Blockchain Securité

Your account data is secure

All data processed by BlockchainyourIP (user name, email address, document metadata, tags) are encrypted in transit during transmission (TLS) and at rest on our servers (AES256-CBC).
The data is replicated in real time on three full copies, backed up every 10 minutes and hosted in France (Scaleway).
Internally, access to the production database is limited to duly authorized developers and subject to a multi-factor authentication policy.

La sécurité est au cœur de nos développements

We are proud to develop BlockchainyourIP in-house in France. The teams are aware of and trained in the secured development practices recommended byOWASP.
Code scans are performed before each update and dependencies are continuously audited. When a vulnerability is discovered, the team automatically receives an alert and implements the required patch.
The development and production environments are strictly separated on separate servers. Access to the production environment is limited to duly authorized developers and subject to a multi-factor authentication policy.
développement web sécurisé

Our team is ready to react in case of incident

BlockchainyourIP has set up a "business continuity plan" and has set up a team in charge of responding in case of an incident.
Depending on the scenario, this plan details the procedure to implement. It covers both classic and hypothetical cases, for example the failure of the Bitcoin blockchain.
Data recovery exercises are conducted monthly to test procedures and verify that backups are properly performed

CTO, développeurs…
ils nous font confiance

« Avant BlockchainyourIP, nous aurions dû graver notre code sur une clef USB ou un CD-ROM et l’envoyer par la poste… Le gain de temps est non négligeable. »
Anass Madani
CEO chez Anamod
« Avec l’intégration Gitlab BlockchainyourIP, notre code est protégé en continue à chaque déploiement. Il n’y a rien à faire et c’est complétement transparent pour les équipes produits. »
Rémy Villecroze
CTO chez Watiz

Notre engagement : vous rendre indépendant à 100%

Developing with Chainpoint
We chose to develop BlockchainyourIP using the Chainpoint open source proof standard adopted by other players and for other use cases (Microsoft, Philips etc...).
Easily verifiable proofs
All the evidence generated is therefore verifiable independently of BlockchainyourIP using open source tools and in particular the Blockchain evidence verifier of our partner bailiff Jérôme Legrain.
Automatic data backup
All of your data is automatically, continuously and internally backed up. Exports are documented and organised so that they can be easily used with any spreadsheet software and without the help of BlockchainyourIP.

Ready to integrate blockchain into your IP strategy?

Sign up for a 30-minute discovery demo.
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