The1st protection solution for yourAI-assisted creations

BlockchainyourIP integrates with your favorite AI tools and automatically performs a blockchain timestamp of each prompt and associated output to precisely trace and date your creative process.

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With the emergence of AI-assisted creations, companies are faced with a new challenge in protecting their creations: demonstrating sufficient human intervention.
La Tower enables you to distinguish precisely between human and AI-assisted iterations, and give you objective arguments to benefit from the protection offered by copyright.

Automatic protection of your prompts

Your prompts and associated outputs are automatically time-stamped and chained to track your free and creative choices.

Obtain a mathematically verifiable certificate of anteriority, valid worldwide.

✅ 100% automatic
✅ Unlimited evidence

Olivia D.
Draw me a house
Midjourney Bot
Draw me a house - Upscaled by Olivia D.
Olivia D.
Add roots
Midjourney Bot
Add roots - Upscaled by Olivia D.
Preparatory work - by Olivia D.
2 Documents
AI-assisted creation - by Olivia D. assisted by AI
223 Prompts & Outputs
Finalization - by Olivia D.
- 5 PSD Files
- Final Version

Detailed monitoring of the creative process

Delineate the boundary between classic creative iterations and those assisted by AI.

BlockchainyourIP lets you trace the chronology of the creation process and the tools used at each stage.

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Connect your favorite AI tools

Connect BlockchainyourIP to the best generative AI tools.

Your prompts and associated outputs are automatically time-stamped in the blockchain.

You obtain a succession of certificates of anteriority to defend and protect your creations internationally.

Stable Diffusion
Adobe Firefly

They would have liked to use BlockchainyourIP...

Zarya of the Dawn
Théâtre D'opéra Spatial
A Recent Entrance To Paradise

On November 27, 2023, the Beijing Internet Court granted copyright protection to an AI-generated work for the first time.

In the past, many artists have failed to protect their creations because they were unable to demonstrate sufficient human intervention.

To anticipate the challenges posed by new creative methods, we're already preparing tools to help innovative legal departments move jurisprudence forward!

Sign up for the beta


Is the Blockchain proof legally valid?
Has the Blockchain proof already been used in litigation?
How are my documents secured?
What is the carbon footprint of blockchain proof?
What type of documents can I protect?
Will my proofs still be usable if BlockchainyourIP disappears?
What happens if I stop my BlockchainyourIP subscription?

Ready to add value to your AI-assisted creations?

Sign up for the beta